Friday, April 14, 2006

Tequila Worms

TEQUILA WORMS (Mexico) the little worm (gusano) that lives on the agave plant gets stuck in the bottle. Mmmm. There is even a special brand sold in 2-ounce bottles called "Dos Gusanos" (two worms) for those who can't get enough. ... Locally, which is to say in North America, a not too uncommon confection is the tequila sucker -- a tequila flavored lollipop, complete with worm. The first two ingredients are listed as "High fructose corn syrup, insect larva

Monday, April 10, 2006

Live baby Octopus

Eaten in Korea, where live baby octopus is dipped in Soju (korean alchohol made primary from rice) then swallowed whole. The alcohol is suppose to make octopus drunk so it'll struggle less when you stuff it into your mouth. People are known to choke to death.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sheep's Head

Mediterranean delicacy, the sheep's head is skinned and cooked, this includes the eyeballs.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Considered a delicacy in China and Korea. Roasted mudskipper which has been dried by sunshine is especially delicious. Some believe, mudskippers eaten alive acts as an aphrodisiac.

Sago Worms

Popular snack among indigenous tribes in Papua New Guinea and Sarawak in Malaysia. They are baked, fried or made into soup.

Dog Meat

Even today, dog meat is eaten in Philipines, Korea and certain parts of China.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Scottish Haggis

HAGGIS from Scotland is made from sheep's stomach, stuffed with oatmeal and steamed. A more accurate definition would be: "a highly spiced sausage made from offal meats with oatmeal filler, traditionally in a casing made from a sheep's stomach

Dried Dog and Skinned Cat

You'll find these around South East Asia and China.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Solidified Blood

Chinese are very fond of animal blood. It is very good for health, according to practitioners of traditional medicine.

After it is solidified, the blood of pigs, ducks, geese and chicken is included in various soups and main dishes.

People suffering from anaemia are recommended to take pig's blood. It may help treat bad appetite and fullness of the abdomen.

Duck's blood is a good antidotal food, with special effects in the treatment of diarrhoea and nausea.

Australian Honey Ants

Ants are fed with honey until they swell to twice their normal size, then are gobbled down by eager Aussies.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dinuguan - Pork Blood Stew

A Filipino stew sometimes called chocolate stew, due to the rich dark taste and flavor. Consists of pork blood and entrails, simmered in garlic and vinegar.

Casu marzu - Maggot Cheese

In Sardinia, Italy maggots are intentionally introduced into pecorino cheese to produce casu marzu.

Edible Bugs in Thailand

Deep fried cicadas, locusts, mantises, crickets and grasshoppers.

Fried Bamboobores worms.

Gluttonous(sticky) rice with weaver ants and their eggs mixed with chilli.

Barbequed larvae.

Silkworm larvae garnished with chilies

Balut - Duck embryo

A Filipino delicacy , balut is a fertilized duck egg with a nearly-developed embryo. Eaten raw as an aphrodisiac.

Bull's Penis Sausage

Bull's Penis Sausage is a delicacy in New Zealand.
Taken from : land of the long drop
By : Rick McCharles